Sunday, 5 June 2016

Debate on Brahman - 7) Aaruni questions- 1




अथ हैनमुद्धालक आरुणिः पप्रच्छ
याज्ञ्नवल्क्येति होवाच
मद्रेष्ववसाम पतञ्चलस्य काप्यस्य गृहेषु यज्ञ्नमधीयानाः
तयासीद्भार्या गन्धर्वगृहीता
तमपृच्छाम कोऽसीति
सोऽब्रवीत्कबन्ध आथर्वण इति

Then, Uddaalaka, son of Aruna, questioned.
He said; “Yaajnavalkya!
In Madra, we lived in the house of Patancala of the lineage of Kaapi, and were studying the scriptures on Sacrifices.
His wife had been possessed by a Gandharva.
We asked him- “Who are you?”
He said- “I am Kabandha, son of Atharvaan.”

सोऽब्रवीत्पतञ्चलं काप्यं याज्ञ्निकांश्च
वेत्थ नु त्वम् काप्य तत्सूत्रं येनायं च लोकः परश्च लोकः
सर्वाणि च भूतानि संदृब्धानि भवन्तीति ।   
सोऽब्रवीत्पतञ्चलः काप्यः नाहं तद्भगवन्वेदेति ।

He said to Patancala Kaapya and others who studied the scriptures on Sacrifices;
“Kaapya! Do you know that Sootra (thread) by which this world, and the other world, and all the beings are held together?”

Then Patancala Kaapya said “Bhagavan! I do not know that!”

सोऽब्रवीत्पतञ्चलं काप्यं याज्ञ्निकांश्च ।
वेत्थ नु त्वं काप्य तमन्तर्यामिणं य इमं च लोकं परं च लोकं 
सर्वाणि च भूतानि योऽन्तरो यमयतीति ।
सोऽब्रवीत्पतञ्चलः काप्यः नाहं तं भगवन्वेदेति ।

He said to Patancala Kaapya and others who studied the scriptures on Sacrifices;
“Kaapya! Do you know that ‘Antaryaami’ (Inner controller) by which this world, and the other world, and all the beings are controlled?”

Then Patancala Kaapya said “Bhagavan! I do not know that!”

सोऽब्रवीत्पतञ्चलं काप्यं याज्ञ्निकांश्च  
यो वै तत्काप्य सूत्रं विद्यात्तं चान्तर्यामिणमिति  
स ब्रह्मवित् स लोकवित् स देववित्
स वेदवित् स भूतवित् स आत्मवित् स सर्वविदिति ।

He said to Patancala Kaapya and others who studied the scriptures on Sacrifices;
“Kaapya! He who knows that Sutra and the Internal ruler as mentioned above, knows Brahman, knows the worlds, knows the Devas, knows the Vedas, knows beings, knows the Aatman, knows everything.”

तेभ्योऽब्रवीत् । तदहं वेद​।
तच्चेत्त्वं याज्ञ्नवल्क्य
सूत्रमविद्वान्स्तं चान्तर्यामिणं ब्रह्मग​वीरुदजसे
मूर्धा ते विपतिष्यतीति ।

He (Gandharva) explained that to them.
I know it.
If you Yaajnavalkya do not know that Sutra and the Internal Ruler, and still take away the cows that belong to the Knower of Brahman, then your head will fall off.”

वेद वा अहं गौतम तत्सूत्रं तं चान्तर्यामिणमिति ।

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“I know Gautama, that Sutra and the Internal Ruler.”

यो वा इदं कश्चिद्ब्रूयाद्वेद वेदेति ।
यथा वेत्थ तथा ब्रूहीति ॥१॥

(Kaapya said)
Any one can say ‘I know, I know’.

Tell us what you know.”

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