Sunday, 5 June 2016

Debate on Brahman - 12) Shaakalya questions - 2


कतमे वसव इति ।
अग्निश्चपृथिवी च वायुश्चान्तरिक्षं चादित्यश्च द्यौश्च चन्द्रमाश्च नक्षत्राणि चैते वसवः एतेषु हीदं सर्वं हितमिति तस्माद्वसव इति ॥३॥

(Shaakalya asked)
“Which are the Vasus?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“Agni, Prthvee, Vaayu, Antariksha, Aaditya, Dyau, Chandramaa, Nakshatras, these are the Vasus; for in these (Vasus), all this (collection of living beings) is placed (abided by); therefore they are called Vasus.

(These Vasus help the beings to live.)


कतमे रुद्रा इति ।  
दशेमे पुरुषे प्राणाः आत्मैकादशः ।
ते यदास्माच्छरीरान्मर्त्यादुत्कामन्त्यथ रोदयन्ति ।
तद्यद्रोदयन्ति तस्माद्रुद्रा इति ॥४॥

(Shaakalya asked)
“Which are the Rudras?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“Ten sense organs with the mind as the eleventh.
When they depart from the mortal body, they make (relatives and friends) cry (Rud). Because they make them cry, they are called Rudras.


कतम आदित्या इति ।
द्वादश वै मासाः संवत्सरस्य एत आदित्याः
एते हीदं सर्वमाददाना यन्ति ।
ते यदिदं सर्वमाददाना यन्ति तस्मादादित्या इति ॥५॥

(Shaakalya asked)
“Which are the Aadityas?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“Twelve months of a year; these are the Aadityas; for they go off taking all this along with them.
Because they go taking all this along with them (Aada), they are called Aadityas.

(Time takes away everything.)


कतम इन्द्रः कतम प्रजापतिरिति ।
स्तनयित्नुरेवेन्द्रः यज्ञ्नः प्रजापतिरिति ।
कतमः स्तनयित्नुरिति ।
अश​निरिति ।
कतमो यज्ञ्न इति ।  
पशव इति॥६॥

(Shaakalya asked)
“Which is Indra, which is Prajaapati?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“Thundering Cloud itself is Indra, Yajna is Prajaapati.”

(Shaakalya asked)
“Which is the thundering Cloud?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)

(Mind with flashing thoughts is the Indra that makes noise with its nature of agitation. It is Indra, because the senses serve it like servants.)

(Shaakalya asked)
“Which is Yajna?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“Living beings”

(The animals which make the Yajna fruitful are the Jeevas with their unending Vaasanaas.)


कतमे षडिति ।
अग्निश्च पृथिवी च वायुरन्तरिक्षं
चादित्यश्च द्यौश्च एते षठ्
एते हीदं सर्वं षडिति ॥७॥

(Shaakalya asked)
“Which are the six (deities)?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“Agni, Prthvee, Vaayu, Antariksha, Aaditya, Dyau; these are the six;
because all those are in this six.”

(Vasus are also included in these six.)

(8) (9)

कतमे ते त्रयो देवाः इति ।
इम एव त्रयो लोकाः
एषु हीमे सर्वे देवा इति ।
कतमौ तौ द्वौ देवाविति ।
अन्नं चैव प्राणश्चेति ।
कतमोऽध्यर्ध इति ।
योऽयं पवत इति ॥८॥

तदाहुः यदयमेक इवैव पवते ।
अथ कथमध्यर्ध इति ।
यदस्मिन्निदं सर्वमध्याध्र्नोत् तेनाध्यर्ध इति ।
कतम एको देव इति । प्राण इति ।
स ब्रह्म त्यदित्याचक्षते ॥९॥

(Shaakalya asked)
“Which are the three gods?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“These three worlds alone; because in these are all gods comprised.

(Three states of Jaagrat, Svapna and Sushupti contain all these deities.)

(Shaakalya asked)
“Which are the two gods?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“Food and Praana”

(The two deities are the body which is maintained by food, and the Praana which supports it; these two which comprise the embodied Jeeva, contain all other deities.)

(Shaakalya asked)
“Which are the one and the half?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“This that blows;
they say ‘since this blows as one substance, how can it be one and a half’; it is one and a half because, through its presence, all this attain the glory.”

(Even the physical body is a conception of the mind; so what is left back is that which blows.
What blows?
Unmanifest Brahman which moves as it were.
Unmanifest Brahman which is like Praana that moves as it were.
But it is not ‘one’…! It is more than one; because it swells as the perceived world and is known as Brahman.)

(Shaakalya asked)
“Which is that one God?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“Praana; it is Brahman which is called ‘Tyat’.

(It is Brahman which stretches forth as all this. It has no name.
It is referred to as ‘That’.)

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