Sunday, 5 June 2016

Debate on Brahman - 14) Shaakalya questions - 5


आप​ एव​ यस्यायतनम् हृदयं लोकः मनोज्योतिः
यो वै तं पुरुषं विद्यात्सर्वस्यात्मनः परायणम्
स वै वेदिता स्याद्याज्ञ्नवल्क्य ।
वेद वा अहं तं पुरुषं सर्वस्यात्मनः परायणं यमात्थ ।
य एवायमप्सु पुरुषः स एषः ।
वदैव शाकल्य ।  
तस्य का देवतेति ।    
वरुण​ इति होवाच ॥१६॥

(Shaakalya said)
“He who knows that being whose abode is Aapa, sight is Hrdayam, light is the mind; who is the ultimate resort of the entire body and organs, (he alone) knows truly, O Yaajnavalkya.”

(Experiences are revealed by the mind which is empowered by the central essence.)

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“I do know that beings of whom you speak, who is the ultimate resort of the entire body and organs. It is the very being who is in the Ap.  
Ask more O Shaakalya!”

(Who is the one who makes possible these experiences?
Brahman; for he alone ‘knows’ the experiences.)

(Shaakalya said)
“Who is his Deity?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)

(Lord of ocean or ocean is the essence of these waters namely experiences.
Ocean is the worldly existence.)


रेत​ एव​ यस्यायतनम् हृदयं लोकः मनोज्योतिः
यो वै तं पुरुषं विद्यात्सर्वस्यात्मनः परायणम्
स वै वेदिता स्याद्याज्ञ्नवल्क्य ।
वेद वा अहं तं पुरुषं सर्वस्यात्मनः परायणं यमात्थ ।  
य एवायं पुत्रमयः पुरुषः स एषः ।
वदैव शाकल्य ।
तस्य का देवतेति ।    
प्रजापतिरिति होवाच ॥१७॥

(Shaakalya said)
“He who knows that being whose abode is Retas, sight is Hrdayam, light is the mind; who is the ultimate resort of the entire body and organs, (he alone) knows truly, O Yaajnavalkya.”

(Seed is the doership; as identified by the mind.
The doer of action identifies with the action performed by the body and mind; this becomes the seed for his future life-dreams.)

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“I do know that beings of whom you speak, who is the ultimate resort of the entire body and organs. It is the very being who is identified with the Putra.  
Ask more O Shaakalya!”

(The embodied Jeeva identifies with the actions and takes on the doership.
What is the off-spring?
Successive births carrying over the previous Vaasanaas)

(Shaakalya said)
“Who is his Deity?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)

(Creator who is the collective form of all actions and their results)


शाकल्येति होवाच याज्ञ्नवल्क्यः ।    
त्वां स्विदिमे ब्राह्मणा
अङ्गारावक्षयणमक्रता अङ्गारावक्षयणमक्रता अङ्गारावक्षयणमक्रता
इति ॥१८॥

Yaajnavalkya said;
“O Shaakalya! Have these Vedic scholars made you their instrument for burning charcoals?”

(Don’t you understand that you are getting burnt by me?)

(19) (20)

याज्ञन्वल्क्येति होवाच शाकल्यः
यदिदं कुरुपाञ्चालानां ब्राह्मणानत्यवादीः किं ब्रह्म विद्वनिति
दिशो वेद सदेवाः सप्रतिष्ठा इति
यद्दिशो वेत्थ सदेवाः सप्रतिष्ठाः ॥१९॥
किंदेवतोऽस्यां प्राच्यां दिश्यसीति । 
आदित्यदेवा इति
स आदित्यः कस्मिन् प्रतिष्ठित इति ।  
कस्मिन्नु चक्षुः प्रतिष्ठितमिति ।  
रूपेष्विति चक्षुषा हि रूपाणि पश्यति
कस्मिन्नु रूपाणि प्रतिष्ठितानीति
हृदय इति होवाच । हृदयेन हि रूपाणि जानाति
हृदये ह्येव रूपाणि प्रतिष्ठितानि भवन्तीति ।  
एवमैवेत​द्याज्ञ्नवल्क्य ॥२०॥

Shaakalya said;
“Is it because you know Brahman that you have thus flouted these Vedic scholars of Kuru and Paanchaala?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“I know the Directions with their deities and supports.”

(Shaakalya said)
“If you know the Directions with their deities and supports…
Which deity are you identified with in the east (the abode of knowledge)?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“AadityaDevata” (Witness state)

(Shaakalya said)
“On what does Aaditya rest?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“On Eye” (Perceiver)

(Shaakalya said)
“On what does Eye rest?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“Roopa; for one sees Roopa with the eyes” (Forms connected to names)

(Shaakalya said)
“On what do Roopas rest?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“Hrdayam (central essence of a being or the Aatman); for one knows Roopa with Hrdayam; it is on Hrdayam, that Roopas are established”

(Shaakalya said)
“It is so, O Yaajnavalkya”


किंदेवतोऽस्यां दक्षिणायां दिश्यसीति
यमदेवत​ इति
स यम​ कस्मिन् प्रतिष्ठित इति
यज्ञ्न इति
कस्मिन्नु यज्ञ्नः प्रतिष्ठित इति ।
दक्षिणायां इति
कस्मिन्नु दक्षिणा प्रतिष्ठितेति
श्रद्धायां ह्येव दक्षिणा प्रतिष्ठितेति
कस्मिन्नु श्रद्धा प्रतिष्ठितेति
हृदय इति होवाच
हृदयेन हि श्रद्धां जानाति हृदये ह्येव श्रद्धा प्रतिष्ठिता भवतीति
एवमैवेत​द्याज्ञ्नवल्क्य ॥२१॥

(Shaakalya said)
“Which deity are you identified with in the Dakshina (abode of ignorance)?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“YamaDevata” (Death/mortality)

(Shaakalya said)
“On what does Yama rest?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“On Yajna” (Life of beings)

(Shaakalya said)
“On what does Yajna rest?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“On Dakshinaa (offering)” (charity/the symbol for non-possession)

 (Shaakalya said)
“On what does Dakshinaa rest?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“On Shraddhaa (faith); because one offers Dakshinaa when one has Shraddhaa; therefore it is on faith that Dakshinaa is established.”

 (Shaakalya said)
“On what does Shraddhaa rest?”

 (Yaajnavalkya said)
“Hrdayam; for one knows Shraddhaa with Hrdayam; it is on Hrdayam, that Shraddhaa is established”

(Shaakalya said)
“It is so, O Yaajnavalkya”


किंदेवतोऽस्यां प्रतीच्यां दिश्यसीति
वरुण​देवत​ इति
स वरुणः कस्मिन् प्रतिष्ठित इति
कस्मिन्न्वापः प्रतिष्ठिता इति
कस्मिन्नु रेतः प्रतिष्ठितमिति
हृदय इति
तस्मादपि जातमाहुः हृदयादिव सुप्तः हृदयादिव निर्मित इति
हृदये ह्येव रेतः प्रतिष्ठितं भवतीति
एवमैवेत​द्याज्ञ्नवल्क्य ॥२२॥

 (Shaakalya said)
“Which deity are you identified with in the West (abode of dying beings)?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“VarunaDevata” (worldly existence filled with waves of sufferings and pains)

(Shaakalya said)
“On what does Varuna rest?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“On Ap” (experiences)

(Shaakalya said)
“On what does Ap rest?”

(Yaajnavalkya said)
“On Retas (seed)” (Vaasanaas)

(Shaakalya said)
“On what does Retas rest?”

 (Yaajnavalkya said)
“Hrdayam; for, they say of the new born as an image of the father; that he is made of the same Hrdayam.  It is on Hrdayam, that Retas is established”
(The Jeeva carries over the seeds of Vaasanaas to his next birth. The future births are produced by the impressions of the previous births, like sons from fathers.
Bodies may be newly got; Aatman is changeless.)

(Shaakalya said)

“It is so, O Yaajnavalkya”

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