'Nothing was there! Everything was covered by 'death' alone.
This is a random thought chosen from an Upanishad.
The Upanishads (Knowledge section of the Vedas) aim at solving the mystery of existence.
Any revelation to any Rishi, was expressed as a coded hymn-form, to be recited in a particular tone, and understood through contemplation on the abstract truth.
No Rishi owned the knowledge he thought out; for he lost his identity when he had solved the mystery of existence. The totality of all their thoughts alone is known as 'Upanishads'.
What they found out is explained here, in a language that a mind of this era can grasp.
When you are seeing any world scene around you, analyze and understand what is happening actually as a world-experience.
You are processing only some set of information, as the objects and people, as what a Homo Sapiens brain is capable of.
Other species will process differently and see a different sort of world.
Even a alien with a different brain mechanism will see a different world only; and not what these Homo Sapiens see.
There is nothing anywhere any time, is the absolute unfiltered truth, the 'Satyam' of the Upanishads!
(Sat/Yaa -That which alone exists)
If nothing is there, then what gets seen as a world?
Some disturbance alone is there in this nothingness; this alone is seen by you as a world-scene.
In this nothingness, where no Brahman, no Aatman, no Chit, no you, no me, no others exist, your so-called brain is coding some disturbance as the information of sound, smell, image, taste, touch etc.
After ascribing these qualities to the disturbance, the brain relegates some particular name and attributes to the coded information, and later cognizes it as a solid object.
Actually there exists only the coding of some information, and the adding of more information to the previous code; and that alone is cognized as some object.
This object can be a dog, a tree, a bird, a rock, a room, a mother, a father, a wife, a husband, a child; in fact any object whether alive or inert, is the coded information of the brain with additional superimposed information.
What is 'information'?
Information is just an agitation; a new disturbance, that probes another disturbance in the emptiness.
This we know as the 'mind'.
Mind is the information processing unit.
But, where is this mind?
This mind is also an information, that is coded by itself.
What about the brain?
Even that is an information only.
Information coding, is also an information only.
What about Aatman or Brahman?
These words also are, mind-made.
Brahman is just the sound-information, that refers to the information-less state (disturbance-less state).
Brahman cannot exist as Brahman at all, as some information.
If nothing is there what is there to expand as 'Brhm' (Brahman)?
Then what exists?
Time? space?
They are also some 'measure-information', that is concocted by the mind.
Then what exists?
'Question' is also an information only.
Any word with meaning, is a disturbance coded by the brain.
Any word with meaning, is just some information only.
Information just rises from this nothing, and vanishes into nothing; like a wave.
It has no existence in space and time.
the world you see is just a disturbance trying to probe the imagined disturbance, in this nothingness.
Since any disturbance also is information only, the disturbance also does not exist.
The 'Information processing unit' that is adding up more disturbance to the previously existing disturbance in the emptiness, is also information only.
It is almost like a lawyer saying to the accused; 'whatever word you utter can be used against you'.
Whatever you say is information.
You yourself are some information, that is coded by the information processing unit, which is also some information only.
'What was there before anything was there?
'Nothing was there! Everything was covered by 'death' alone.
Everything was covered by cessation alone.
And 'nothing happens' also, as some event anywhere at anytime.
For example, let us say that you are travelling from one city of the south to a city in the north of India.
If you just walk from here to there; imagine how much information you will be processing, step by step, slowly in leisure. Each and every stone, each and every tree, each and every fly, each and every mosquito, each and every animal, each and every human, each and every house has to be processed by your mind as some sense information, along with the add-on information.
Suppose you go by a bike, you reduce the information-content a little.
You just whiz through the information of the road, houses, people.
Suppose you go by a car, you reduce the information-content a little more.
You have the information of the inside of the car only; and whiz off with very less information-content, as if you are locked up in a coffin alive.
Suppose you go by a plane, the information-content is still reduced; the information you code is just the inside of the plane, and you see only the crew and your co-passengers.
Suppose technology improves so high in the future, and suppose a system is invented say, where you just enter a box, set the time and place parameters you want; and 'Whiz', 'Whir'; you are in the particular place at any distance, the very next second.
May be even planet to planet travel may become so simple in the future, so that with the press of a button you are anywhere in any universe.
Information content in this travel-time, is almost nil; it is just the information of the box and some button you need to press.
May be in highly evolved worlds, mind itself can be at any place you want, by just willing.
The more you evolve, the less the information content you have to process.
Suppose you are so evolved that you never have to process any information...?
Suppose you also are not there, as any information content that needs to be processed as any 'I'?
Then, you are everywhere at once!
Sorry! 'You' are not there; so what is there left back?
'Nothingness' that transcends all the information-processing!
Nothing happens at all!
Nothing is there; and nothing happens at all.
There exists only 'Tat' - declare the Upanishads.
'Tat' sound has no meaning.
It is the 'Tat' तत् that exists before it is seen as 'tata' तत (information-expanse).
That is why such a state is called 'Tat' (in VedaBhaashaa), lest any meaning be attributed as some information.
Any smallest reference to it with a word, is again 'the start of the information processing unit' which exists nowhere.
After all, the information is made of just emptiness only (just imagined); it is not some solid streak of light or energy.
Information just rises out of nowhere, and vanishes instantly, like a non-existent ghost-entity.
As long as some information gets processed even as some Brahman to be reached for, the Reality state can never be realized.
The 'Reality state' whatever it is, is covered by this non-stop information processing only.
The world is just an expanse of emptiness, where countless information bits are getting processed at once, at 'nowhere'.
At this instant, the entire perceived as countless universes of all possible time-measures, exists as just information-processing only.
Why it has to be like this, why all this; we cannot ask.
We ourselves are information-bits, the random results of some process that covers Reality.
We at least have the unique power to cease being information bits, and go beyond the 'Death' that covers the Reality-state.
Reality cannot be processed as any information.
There are only two choices that are open to us (we, the passing patterns of info); stay as some dissolving information bit; or cease to be the information bit.
We do not know where we come from, why we are what we are.
But for sure, we can analyze ourselves, and delete ourselves as information-sets that are processed by the information processing unit; and just be out of it all.
That is how we evolve higher and higher.
This is what the Rishis found out.
And when they through the practice of reasoning, reached that 'information-less quiet state', what did they sing...?
'Ooo aaa ooo aaa vooo'.....!
(It is sort of equal to the modern utternace 'wow'!
Words fail in that state; no word could be uttered, that can explain what it is like.
It cannot be recollected like a dream or waking state or sleep.
Nothing was there! But something knew itself as nothingness!
And the joy of it all!
It was just 'Ooo aaa ooo aaa vooo'.....! (Upanishad Mantra, which is just some sound-form))
'What was there before anything was there?
'Nothing was there! Everything was covered by 'death' alone.
There is just this information processing going on as the mask worn by 'That'.
Throw away the mask; and stay as 'Tat' alone!
This is the wisdom of Rishis!
Revere them and follow their path of reasoning, to end in the state of 'Ooo aaa ooo aaa vooo'.....!
This is superlative. Thank you.